You’ve made cycling a part of your life. You ride all the time. You’ve gotten fit, and you’ve probably lost weight. Now you can’t find any jeans that fit.

Wait, what?

If you’re like me, finding pants that actually fit can be maddening. Jeans that have enough room in the thighs and butt usually have a waist that’s so loose you could fit another person in there (not to mention a fit reminiscent of the days when JNCOs were popular). But then jeans with a waist that fit usually won’t make it past my knees. I know I can’t be the only one in this boat.

Many cyclists, along with many other athletes have unique requirements when it comes to clothing. This makes it fairly difficult to find things that work off the rack at your local clothing store. I recently tried to buy a new pair of jeans and after going into four different stores (including the Levi’s store), I still had to order four different pairs online before I found one pair that fit. Kinda.

Apparently, I should have just ordered some Boulder Denim and been done with it. Though technically, these Boulder Denim jeans aren’t available just yet. But they will be soon – and if you’re willing to wait, there’s a chance to score a pair at a deal through Kickstarter.


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